Mexico: Police have arrested a man who escaped to Mexico after being murdered in the United States and taught yoga in disguise and name there, who had been teaching there for 12 years.

Together, Mexico and U.S. citizenship, Horge Rioda Landeros, was on the run after more than one murder in Maryland in 2010 and was named one of the most wanted criminals by the FBI. However, he changed his name to Leon Ferra and became a yoga teacher in Gadalahara, an unknown city in Mexico. During this time, the police were looking for him.

Horge added his name to the most wanted list after a man named Sue Markham was murdered in the basement of his home in Maryland and he was also his main culprit, after which the FBI added his name to the most wanted list. However, he has now been arrested on December 13.

In his clarification, Horge said that he is innocent, although he is not innocent in all cases, but there is no truth in the allegation against him. However, police arrested him on charges of first-degree murder and fleeing to evade investigation.

On the other hand, the police arrested Horge so quietly that his yoga students lodged a missing report when he did not reach school for three days.