California: Google has expanded the scope of search and tested a new option in which text search can also be done inside video clips. It is expected that users will be able to better search the desired videos and re-edit the SEO on it.

 Currently, it has been tested in India, which can search for captions to be added or automatically made in the video, it will allow users to see the necessary part of any video and on the other hand marketing and advertising will also improve.

Although Google has been trying to improve the search for its app YouTube for a long time, the video was first started to be divided into chapters in 2021. After this, in October last year, the search for video transcripts was improved.

According to analysts, after this, search engine optimization (SEO) will be further improved and new text search tools will emerge. This way YouTubers will also be able to improve their captions and text. Above all, the YouTube video will be able to search in Google, which is expected to make very important changes.