Bollywood king Shah Rukh Khan's film Pathan is in controversy due to the song 'Besharam Rang' and now the controversy has intensified, and Hindu extremists have also threatened to burn the superstar alive. Deepika Padukone in the song 'Besharam Rang' from the film Pathan...

However, now the matter has gone beyond the demand for a ban on the film and has come down to the death threats of Shah Rukh Khan and Hindu extremist Pandit Paramhans Acharya has threatened to burn the Bollywood superstar alive, the video of which is also viral on social media.

In a video that has gone viral on social media, a Hindu extremist pandit can be heard threatening Shah Rukh Khan on the issue of the film Pathan while talking to the Indian media, in which he is saying that today we have burnt the poster of Shah Rukh Khan and they are looking that if they find jihadi Shah Rukh Khan, they will burn him alive.

Pandit Paramhans Acharya further said in his conversation that if anyone else takes the step of burning Shah Rukh Khan alive, he will also fight his case himself.

According to Indian media, Pandit Paramhans Acharya had earlier also announced jal samadhi (suicide by drowning in water) for not declaring India a Hindu nation.