Sichuan: Scientists have found a solution to the problem of bad mouth, which is usually present in people's kitchens.

An analysis of several studies done so far has shown that fermented foods, such as yogurt, contain a probiotic bacteria that can clear the responsible plaque that smells from the mouth.

Sulphuric compounds are the main cause of persistent odor from the mouth and this odor occurs when the bacteria on the surface of the tongue break down the proteins rapidly and make additional amounts of smelly chemicals.

Probiotics Bacteria are useful bacteria in our body that break down and absorb the components in the diet and protect them from harmful bacteria.

Methods such as mouth washes, chewing gum, dental scales and tongue cleaning are included to deal with the problem of bad breath. But these methods can get rid of this problem temporarily, but carelessly this smell can return.

Researchers at Sichuan University in China looked at the analysis to see if probiotics could remove proteins responsible for odors.

The researchers studied a database of clinical trials conducted up to February 2021. Of these, 278 people were found in seven studies who were eligible for this research.