For the first time in india's 370-year history, notices have been sent to the management of Taj Mahal and Agra Fort to pay property tax and water bills.

The Agra Municipal Corporation has asked the historic buildings to pay Rs 147,000 as property tax and Rs 19.4 million as water bills.

Apart from this, a tax notice of more than 5 crore Indian rupees was also sent to agra fort.

Agra's Superintendent archaeologist confirmed that notices have been received for payment of both the bills within 15 days of more than Rs 1 crore, while agra fort has been sent a bill of more than Rs 5 crore.

After receiving the bill, the Archaeology Survey of India clarified that taxes are not applicable to historical buildings.

The municipal commissioner expressed ignorance about the bill payment notices being sent to The Taj Mahal and Agra Fort and said the matter would be investigated.