Moscow: Russia has predicted an increase in oil prices by $150 a barrel next year.

Dmitry Medvedev, deputy head of Russia's National Security Council and military industry commission, has predicted that Elon Musk will also succeed in becoming president of the United States.

The deputy chief said that on New Year's Day, everyone presents their assumptions about the future. On this occasion Medvedev made 10 predictions.

He said that Britain will once again become part of the European Union, the price of gas will be $ 5,000 per 1,000 cubic meters. Northern Ireland will gain independence from Britain and become part of Ireland. Poland and Hungary will occupy the western parts of Ukraine.

In addition, Germany will be ruled by right-wing extremists like the Nazi era, which will lead to war with France, Europe will be divided, including the partition of Poland. The Civil War in the United States and claimed that the American states of California and Texas would become independent countries. The euro and the dollar will be rejected globally.