London: A team of scientists has said that they have probably cured an untreatable heart patient child with a placenta for the first time in human history, but they are yet to make a definitive claim. Because more research is needed on this process. 

Dr. Massimo Cupato cells treated with a strip made of stem cells on the small funnel. Photo: Courtesy of BBC

Professor Massimo Cupato of the British Heart Foundation and his colleagues have "perhaps for the first time saved the life of a child who was suffering from an incurable heart defect". The name of the child suffering from this condition was Finlay and for the first time this method was tried on him. For treatment, the stem cells (cells) inside the pineal tube (placenta) attached to the mother's breast have been used. These are cells that can be easily molded into cells of any body organ.
It is expected that this development will no longer require repeated painful operations for children with congenital heart disorders. According to doctors,
when little Finley was born, it was found in just four days that the other arteries of his heart were not in the right way. 
After this, Dr. Massimo and his colleagues applied the vaccines of molecule-derived cells to the child's heart and they were developing.was seen. Otherwise, the case could not have been corrected even after several operations as one of the child's operations had failed. The operation was performed when Finlay was only 4 days old.

Surprisingly, the affected cells of the child's heart started to be repaired and now he is a healthy child of two years.

The same team has also created a bandage-like patch based on cells that can change the lives of other children and repair their hearts. It is expected to fill the hole between the heart valve, but according to Dr. Massimo, it will be tested on humans in the next two years.